Prebid.js is an open-source solution that allows publishers to quickly implement header bidding on websites and mobile applications.
Publishers used to have to hire an extensive technical team to set up header bidding. And with Prebid it is much easier. It has created an environment for mass header bidding adoption by establishing an open technology layer. The other ad technology providers can add their code and create a native solution.
It offers the largest library of efficient adapters to connect publishers to major ad platforms. It is currently the most popular header bid container on the web.
How was Prebid.js invented?
The biggest player in the programmatic market is Google Ad Manager (GAM), formerly known as Doubleclick for Publishers.
It is a go-to place for publishers looking to earn revenue from ads, a default option. for many media companies. Because of its size, GAM can offer one of the best execution rates in the industry.
However, GAM provides only limited information about its algorithms and never discloses information about bid rates.
As a result, publishers who rely on GAM often achieve lower CPMs than elsewhere. To counteract this market fragmentation, AppNexus has developed a breakthrough technology tool called Prebid.js.
Accordingly, it is a custom wrapper that allows media owners to implement headline bids and get a better price for their ad slots without breaking ties to the GAM.
This header bidding platform allows publishers to collect bids from external demand platforms before sending the ad call to their GAM ad server.
If GAM cannot undercut the price, the advertising space goes to the external demand partner who pays the most.
Benefits of using Prebid
Prebid is a free technology that you can implement on your website or app, build a custom solution on top of, or choose one of the Prebid-based solutions from other ad technology providers.
Regardless of your decision, implementing header bidding with Prebid has myriad benefits for publishers:
It reduces page latency compared to cascading and provides a better content experience.
The largest library of header bidding adapters allows seamless integration of a wide variety of bidders from around the world at a truly demand-driven price.
Prebid allows you to work with all sorts of ad formats on both mobile and desktop.
Basically, most publishers do not understand the principles of header bidding, let alone the sophisticated implementation.
Implementing Prebid on your platform requires development resources, experienced ad operations, line-item setup in Google Ad Manager, Signing agreements with bidders, etc.