While there are no mobile-specific standard sizes, then there are popular sizes that are applicable.
Here are the top five mobile ad sizes to consider.
300*250 pixels
Also called a medium rectangle, many advertisers take this size into account when creating their ads. The medium rectangle is often cited as the most popular mobile ad size. 2020 sizes. You’re guaranteed to reach a lot of advertisers when you have ad slots of this size on your site.

This size is similar to the 300*250 rectangular size with small differences. The similarities between both mobile ad sizes make them popular. Although the Interactive Advertising Bureau hasn’t listed this ad size as the most popular, it’s still commonly used by major SSPs.

The 320*100 size is recognized by Google as one of the most popular banner sizes. It is designs to fit the dimensions of most devices. It refers to a large mobile banner. While the large mobile banner is efficient, multiple placements of this size are not recommended.
Currently, the Google Display Network. offers the banner size.

(mobile leaderboard) 320×50, also known as mobile leaderboard, has been one of the best ad sizes for years. Like the 320 x 100 format, the mobile leaderboard is design to fit the screen size of most mobile devices. .This ad size also helps reduce the risk of intrusive ads.

Scalable 320*480
It displays are becoming more and more popular lately; They are generally easier to use and less intrusive. The 320 x 480 format perfectly supports stretchable displays and fits most devices. They also improve the results of rich media ads.
Using rich media banner ads in online campaigns is one of the most important drivers of traffic to your brand’s landing page.

Innovation in your rich media ads means new, fresh, smart, and eye-catching concepts that integrate with the ad unit in a way that grabs users’ attention and, even better, reminds them of your brand using their attractive share in a social network or word of mouth, it’s always similar. Draw the user’s attention to the other ads and encourage the user to participate, interact, and generally have a positive experience.